Hi, I’m Jim Carey. I’ve been in the computer business since the 1970’s. That’s before the personal computer and long before the Internet and websites. Over the decades I’ve been a computer consultant to 49 countries and to many US government agencies. Click here for my resume.
I’ve owned JCarey.com since 2002. Actually I bought it in the early ’90s, then accidentally let it expire and got it back.
It’s been used for a bunch of stuff over the years in various forms of e-commerce, but my personal websites are now at JimCarey.tel and JimCarey.us.
Now that I’ve passed my 70th birthday it’s time for me to start letting go of the scores of domain names and websites I own.
This url has value because Google gives weight to longevity, regardless of whatever the content is, was or will be. We can make the transfer in such a way that it won’t matter to Google and other website rankings.
If you’ve read this far it’s because you see a value in the JCarey branding to yourself or someone you know.
Here are some stats that you’ll want:
Traffic was higher – much higher – when the site had new content on a regular basis. Another of my websites, csraLights.com generates over 1600 visitors a day at 5 pgs./ per visitor – because it has lots of new content daily.
Appraisal Criteria
Here are a few of the considerations when evaluating and choosing a domain name:
It’s a Short Name
JCarey – 6 characters. All the marketing experts say a short name is better for domain names.
.com vs. all other extensions
Have you done it? I have. Typed someone’s domain name as .com when it was something else? That’s the problem with my personal website, JimCarey.us. Even I sometimes type JimCarey.com because of the .com habit.
The com is king. It’s good to be the com.
I’ve owned this name continuously since 2002. That’s 19 years. Google thinks highly of that and ups your score. A lot.
How much is a domain name worth?
“The real question is not how much a domain name costs, but how much value the right domain name can bring to your business.”
– Business Insider
Here’s the link: Business Insider Magazine report on buying a domain name.
Payment Plan
If you require a payment plan, that’s a possibility.
In the end it’s up to you. What do you think it’s worth?
Contact me with reasonable offers and proposals at jimcarey@jimcarey.us, or text me at 808-268-6480.
I’m on Hawaii Standard Time, which is GMT-10.